Wedding Tips – Men are more involved in wedding planning more than ever! Ask you man what he wants!

According to an article written in the Huffinton Post this last November of 2012, men are more involved in wedding planning than ever before. In fact, most men want the wedding more than the bride according to the article.  It goes on to say that men would forgo saving for a house to have a great wedding!

This is also becoming more prevalent because mor and more women have high powered jobs and the men in some cases have more time to plan the wedding.

Wedding couple


Wedding Tips – Your name in lights! – Gobo light!

This question comes up all the time: What is a gobo light?

A gobo light is a special light that allows me to project your name or logo onto the wall or dance floor and put it in lights.

This is a great method to commemorate a wedding or other special occasion.

You should really consider this when you are getting married. This is something that really adds to the personalization of your wedding day.

gobo light

Put your name in lights!

Wedding Tips – When should you book your dj? 6 months, 1 year, a year and a half ahead of time?

This is a really good questions that I get asked all the time. People will ask me when do you need to know that I want to hire you for my wedding?  The best answer I can give you is this: the sooner the better. If you want a really good dj, then you should be booking them after you pick your venue. They should be right up there with the photographer and the caterer. Of course, there are many djs you can pick up at the last minute. Let’s remember though we are not a commodity like sugar. All sugar is relatively the same so price is the determining factor.

I would rather compare us to a fine dinner. You are willing to pay more for a fine dinner because you know you are going to savor and enjoy it. It should be the same with a great wedding dj. This should be someone who’s work you will enjoy and you will be able to look back on with fond memories!

Really popular days are already being booked 1.5 years out, other dates a year, and some six months ahead of time.

bride dancing

The bride and groom are having a great time with a really great wedding dj!

Wedding Tips – Ceremony and Reception? – or Reception only? – Why is this important to know?

Most of the weddings that I am involved with I play music for the ceremony, and we also play music for the reception as well. It is important to know because if I am doing both, then sometimes I have to bring two sound systems. Also, this gives me an idea of about how long you will need our services. Many times the bride and groom are not really sure. I can provide you with sample timelines that will give you a great idea of how things will flow at your wedding.

This information also helps me to be able to give the bride or groom more information about how your wedding will flow.




Make your wedding great! Pick out the right music for your reception!

Brides and grooms always have questions about which songs are the right ones to pick out for their wedding. You should pick out songs that you really want to have at your reception. Songs that you cannot live without. You also need to plan for your entrance, cake cutting, first dance, father/daughter dance, mother/son dance, bouquet toss, and garter toss. Beyond that you should pick out types of mus that you want to have played at your reception and communicate this to your dj. We have forms that will help your do this, we provide consultation to you, and we also have lists of the top songs for weddings on our facebook page!

This is how you make your wedding reception successful and great!

Take a look at this:




Should we have a money dance? – Wedding Tips

This is a question that many couples will ask me. My answer is always the same. This depends on how you and your future spouse feels about having one.

The money dance is derived out of a tradition whereby guests at a wedding would give the bride and groom money for their honeymoon. In this manner, couples were able to afford going on a nicer honeymoon than they might have originally planned.

So, the money dance is an opportunity for your guests to send you off on your honeymoon. This is also know coincidentally as the “honeymoon dance”.

English: Greek Wedding Photography Money Dance

English: Greek Wedding Photography Money Dance (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wedding Tips – Choosing Music – Do Not Play List

There are just some songs you would rather not here at your wedding. Maybe you just think they are corny or you really do not like the song. Sometimes it is because the song had relevance in the past, and you just don’t think it is appropriate on your wedding day. Whatever the case may be; if there are some songs you really do not want to hear on your wedding day, then you should definitely make a do not play list. This is part of the planning process that helps your dj make sure they play the right music at your wedding reception. This is essential to making your wedding day great!Dancing1

The first dance – after bridal party introductions or after cutting of the cake?

Should we have the first dance after the bridal party introductions or after the cutting of the cake? This is one of those questions that brides ask while they are planning their wedding.

While it is entirely proper to do it either way, there are pros and cons to having your first dance after the bridal party introductions. The pros being that your guests are already focused on you after the bridal party introduction, and this is a dramatic time to have your first dance while all your guests are still present. The cons being that this is one of the highlights of the reception, and then you are going to stop all the excitement to sit down and  have dinner. Many guests will think that they have already seen you dance so they may leave at the end of dinner.

When you save the first dance until after dinner, this is the time to engage your guests in your reception celebration. The first dance will be followed usually by the father/daughter dance, the mother/dance, and then an all dance number which kicks off the dancing for the evening!

Remember it is your choice and the bride should always have things in the manner she would like them on her wedding day!

First Dance

The Hursts have a great wedding! Dance to “In the Mood”

We performed for the Hursts at their wedding reception. They had us take care of their ceremony and reception. Some of their children (grown up) were in the wedding. Everyone had a great time, and they all dance for hours to music ranging from jazz, big band, hip hop, top 40, rock and roll, etc.

They chose our silver package and were thrilled with our service!





When should you cut the wedding cake?

This is a question that brides ask me all the time (so do their mothers)! This is really up to the bride and groom.

However, the current trend is to cut the cake about 10 to 15 minutes after the toast. This works out great because then the cutting of the cake is an extension of dinner, and this is customary with weddingsThe cuttingof the cake that the bride and groom are the first to eat a piece of cake!

It is also the trend to pick out a song for the cutting of the cake. We have suggestions on our Music Express facebook page.

In the past, a couple of decades ago the cutting of the cake would occur about 30-45 minutes after dinner and the first dance.

It is really your decision how you would like to handle this.